Working with your Local Council during the process of applying for building approval or after submission of your development application can be challenging. When issues arise, you might find yourself frustrated.


We can help! With years of experience in understanding the building process and working with Local Councils, we are well placed to help you deal with any issues should they arise.

Our Home Design can give you advice relating to your building process and local Council. We will endeavour to help you resolve any issues relating to your Council Development Application or submission for domestic residential builds within Australia.


The first meeting is free

Enquire online, give us a call or send us an email to have an initial discussion of your problem. If we cannot solve it on the spot and further assistance is required, we’ll give you a quote for approval prior to engaging in any work.

We are also able to help you find a locally based Town Planner or Building Certifier that is able to help you.



We have created a range of factsheets to help you in lodging a Development Application to your local Authorities.

> See factsheets